IURC China Cooperation Webinar: Urban Planning and Design for Inclusive, Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Cities

International Urban and Regional Cooperation
In Person ,




Around 57% of the global population lives in urban areas, which contribute 80% of the global GDP. Cities play important role in enabling innovation. Meanwhile, urban growth presents enormous social, economic and environmental challenges, which necessitate a new way of planning and design. Urban and transport planning practices are about to change from urban infrastructure design to participatory approach using new and emerging technologies.


The EU implement the urban development strategy through an integrated, partnership, and place-based approach. To implement the European Green Deal, the EU commitments to urban initiatives e.g., the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, the Urban Agenda for the EU, the New Leipzig Charter, the European partnership on Driving Urban Transitions for a sustainable future (DUT) and the New European Bauhaus. The recently adopted “New Urban Mobility Framework” aims to make urban transport more resilient, environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient by identifying zero-emission solutions for urban logistics.


China prioritises green transformation in the new-type urbanization strategies.  In April 2021, China issued the 14th Five-Year Plan and Long-Term Targets for 2035, prioritising the people-centred, sustainable and fair urbanization at the heart of its development strategy. It also quantified carbon emissions targets, decoupling economic and social development with climate change. In Oct. 2021, Opinions on Promoting Green Development of Urban and Rural Construction further provided guidelines on the green and low carbon integrated urban-rural development.


As part of the EU Climate Diplomacy Weeks 2022 (12 Sep – 30 Oct), which focuses on the theme of energy, this webinar invites you to join in the annual global campaign to foster cooperation on climate change and inspire concrete actions for green and livable cities through urban planning and design practices and tools.





Through deep multilateral discussion, this thematic webinar seeks to showcase challenges and solutions in IURC pilot cities & regions for green, inclusive, competitive, and resilient urban and transport planning, and provide them with a networking opportunity to:


  1. Share perspectives, policy initiatives, and best practices
  2. Identify potential cooperation projects and relevant stakeholders to address the fundamental urban issues.




This webinar will take place among stakeholders from IURC China pilot cities and regions.




Read the highlights from the event

See also