Thank you for joining our online event on City-to-City Exchanges on 11 March! We hope you started the year with a boost of inspiration and took a step forward in addressing your city's challenges by leveraging the diversity and richness that Europe has to offer.
During the event, we
- Explained the City-to-City Exchange service and the larger capacity building offer that EUI is proposing to cities
- Presented testimonials from urban practitioners like you that started already benefiting of this service
- Provided a place and time for networking and matchmaking for potential applications to City-to-City Exchanges.
What is a City-to-City Exchange?
A City-to-City Exchange is when one city facing a challenge in sustainable urban development teams up with another city from a different EU Member State that has expertise to help solve the problem. This exchange is usually between two cities, but sometimes a third city can join if there's a good reason.
The European Urban Initiative provides financial support for the actual visits and assigns an expert moderator who can help in the planning and moderation of the visit. Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis.
Why an online event with a matchmaking character?
In most cases, the ideal partner city with expertise in the identified challenge already exists, but is simply hard to find. With this online event, we aim to support the peer-finding process by creating a space where cities can be put in touch with potential peers. Let us know your thematic interests during registration, and we will use that information to place you in predefined subgroups with similar interests. The aim is to create the best possible chance for you to leave the event with a set of suitable peers to contact.
A recording of the plenary is now available in Ressources.
We remain at your disposal and are happy to answer your questions at capacitybuilding@urban-initiative.eu.
Watch the replay of the plenary
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