This document serves as a comprehensive guide to various platforms and resources offering geospatial and geostatistical data. It highlights general data sources such as the World Bank Geodata, European Union Open Data Portal, EUROSTAT, and NASA Earth Observation Data, providing detailed descriptions and links to each resource.

These platforms offer extensive datasets and tools for accessing, downloading, and utilizing data relevant to global development, statistical comparisons, and earth observation. Specific data sources include the EC INSPIRE GeoPortal, EEA Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, and the European Soil Data Centre, among others, which cater to more focused needs like land cover, soil data, and environmental monitoring.

Additionally, the document lists resources for live satellite imagery and visualization, such as Zoom Earth, which provides near real-time weather and satellite images. Overall, the document is a valuable reference for accessing diverse and reliable geospatial and geostatistical data for various applications.

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