
As a result of climate change, Szeged is increasingly threatened by desertification and drought, which could lead to the loss of much of its urban green space in the coming years. There is a need to rethink greening practices and identify and disseminate climate-sensitive plant species that can survive in changing conditions, providing a green infrastructure for the city of the future. ReGreenX provides a new and innovative model for city-level participation in climate-resilient greening, helping citizens to recognise and understand the growing threats of desertification and empower more people to adapt.


Author : EUI
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Szeged is facing a growing urban challenge: maintaining and expanding the city's green spaces in the face of climate change and severe desertification. With current climate trends, much of the urban greenery is expected to be lost in the coming years, necessitating a rethinking of the city’s approach to greening. A city-wide collective mindset change towards sustainability and resilience is essential.

To address this challenge, ReGreenX proposes an innovative city-level framework for coordinated experimentation with climate-resilient greenery (CRG) in both public and private areas of Szeged. In doing so, ReGreenX places a strong emphasis on the societal mindset shift, considering a new way of thinking about urban greening as an essential leverage of the process.

ReGreenX is a new and innovative model for city-wide involvement in CRG that challenges citizens to recognise and understand the growing threat of desertification and take action to improve the city’s greenery.

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, Hungary
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European Urban Initiative

The European Urban Initiative is an essential tool of the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy for the 2021-2027 programming period. The initiative established by the European Union supports cities of all sizes, to build their capacity and knowledge, to support innovation and develop transferable and scalable innovative solutions to urban challenges of EU relevance.

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