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Rock the Block addresses unsatisfied housing needs via interventions at the level of multi-residence blocks (‘Polykatoikia’), rather than individual households. It delivers an integrated approach comprising physical transformations, communities of care, and institutional protection.

Physical transformations involve investments to improve the green, digital, aesthetic, functional, circular and inclusive dimensions of housing. Neighbourhood community-building and upskilling is enabled by a new ‘Co-living Hub’ to provide communities of mutual support. Meanwhile, institutional protection and advice is provided via a new municipal ‘Housing Office’.


Author : EUI
1 items in this collection

Rock the Block addresses the vicious circle often created between low housing quality/unsatisfied housing needs and weak community bonds through a neighbourhood-based approach, rather than fragmented housing strategies. It employs ‘Polykatoikia’ as the intervention unit, which are mixed-used blocks of private residences and businesses common in Athens and characterised by balconies, stepped terraces and white paint.

The proposed solution tackles the related challenges in three solution pillars. Firstly, the project invests in physical and technical transformations focused on energy-efficiency, digital, aesthetic, functional, circular, and/or inclusive enhancements. These interventions are informed by new ‘Polykatoikias Action Plans’ developed following an open call.

Secondly, it promotes neighbourhood-community building and upskilling, through a ‘Co-living Hub’ hosting skills-building, caring, and educational actions. This is based on the principle that housing affordability is only secured within communities of mutual care.

Thirdly, it establishes a new municipal ‘Housing Office’ as a one-stop-shop for institutional housing protection and advice – offering housing-related consultation to all citizens for free.

The project thus demonstrates a new transferable urban policy tool comprising a public call, assessment, contracting, consultation, and a funding scheme. To support transfer, the project will translate its outcomes into integrated roadmaps for affordable co-living. These will lead to policy-briefs providing recommendations to policymakers in local, regional, and national authorities in terms of enhanced neighbourhood housing strategies.

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, Greece
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European Urban Initiative

The European Urban Initiative is an essential tool of the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy for the 2021-2027 programming period. The initiative established by the European Union supports cities of all sizes, to build their capacity and knowledge, to support innovation and develop transferable and scalable innovative solutions to urban challenges of EU relevance.

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