Cover photo Interact Varazdin Photo by GODAR

Despite its natural and recreational potential, Drava park in the Agglomeration of Varaždin and Ludbreg is neglected and underused. The internationally renowned 95-hectare green area has multiple levels of environmental protection. This project facilitates the site’s complex management with a digital platform to connect citizens, city decision-makers and experts. The platform is designed to support decision-making and stakeholder communication, and provide information on the park and its use. Together with infrastructure and forest regeneration, this will enable the smooth, sustainable development of high quality, inclusive, and safe public spaces.


Author : EUI
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Rich in history and architecture, the Agglomeration of Varaždin and Ludbreg is situated in Varaždin County, northern Croatia. The territory includes the River Drava Forest Park – a protected 95-hectare natural area of high strategic interest for the agglomeration. While management of any urban green area poses numerous challenges, the task is made even more complex by Drava park’s four levels of environmental protection. These are: Croatia/Hungary Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve; Natura 2000; Regional Park Mura – Drava; and Protected Forest-Park & Botanical nature monument. 

Despite its enormous natural and recreational potential, today the park is a neglected and underused space, in need of forest regeneration processes and infrastructure revitalisation. 

This project aims to close the circle between citizens, city decision-makers and experts by using diverse existing digital tools, combined in an innovative way. The PLATFORM will support the digital interdisciplinary management of Drava Forest Park, united under one user interface. This will enable smooth decision-making and communication between all the shareholders, encouraging timely, direct and sustainable management. It will also provide citizens with visiting and other information on this quadruply protected natural area of international importance. 

Accompanying infrastructure and forest regeneration activities will result in public spaces that are of high quality, inclusive and safe. Several investments are planned in the Drava Forest, with expected results including: Riverfront InterACTive regeneration; Forest squares and lanes with urban equipment; River Peak with art sculpture and Viewpoint; new signage and fencing.

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, Croatia
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European Urban Initiative

The European Urban Initiative is an essential tool of the urban dimension of Cohesion Policy for the 2021-2027 programming period. The initiative established by the European Union supports cities of all sizes, to build their capacity and knowledge, to support innovation and develop transferable and scalable innovative solutions to urban challenges of EU relevance.

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