What city in Europe is the cleanest or the safest? In which city is easy to find a job or an affordable house? Which city has the best public transport or air quality? Answers to these questions and many more can be found in the 2023 Report on the Quality of Life in European Cities. This report presents the main findings from the sixth edition of the survey on the quality of life of European cities. The survey covers 83 cities across Europe for a total of more than 70 000 interviews.
Running since 2007, this survey provides a unique insight into city life. It gathers the experiences and opinions of city dwellers across Europe.
Results from the 2023 survey shows that overall satisfaction across European cities remains high, with almost nine out of ten people reporting to be satisfied with living in their city. Results also confirms significant improvements in perceived quality of life in cities in eastern Member States.
While capital cities are perceived as offering more opportunities for jobs, smaller cities are perceived as a better place to live, especially for older people, and for families with young children. People feel safer walking alone at night in smaller cities, and they perceive their city as being cleaner and less noisy than people living in larger cities.
On average, people in non-capital cities are more satisfied with the availability of public spaces and health care, and with housing. Non-capital cities are also seen as a better place to live for migrants and for families with young children, and people in non-capital cities are more satisfied with their local public administration.
Interactive maps and charts are available below. You will also find additional information, including downloadable maps and charts for all questions covered by the survey, the underlying data, at the city level, as well as in the form of anonymized microdata, the full questionnaire and the accompanying methodological reports.
Find additional information here: Inforegio - Quality of life in European cities (europa.eu)
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